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Our Products

Foam Insulation

Insulation for roofs and buildings is now of great importance as it is to maintain the temperature and prevent it from being leaked summer into the isolated space. Its important role is not only in the summer. Thermal insulation for surfaces and buildings plays an important role in maintaining the heat inside the place and preventing it from being leaked during the winter.

The importance of insulation materials is that it gives many advantages of helping to rationalize electrical energy consumption. The use of heat and moisture insulation materials helps to rationalize the use of electricity to rates of up to 40%. The isolated building also has the possibility of keeping temperatures for a long time without the need to operate and otherwise.

Types of Foam Insulation


Polyurethane foam or liquid foam is the best thermal insulation solution and is the world's most popular thermal insulation material and therefore the price of polyurethane foam insulation is far from the rest of the insulation; Because it is energy efficient and reduces electricity consumption, it is also the optimal system to prevent heat leakage and transmission in buildings, installations, refrigerators, cooling systems, reservoirs and pipes.




Types of  Industrial Iron 




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